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Gun Control Is Just The Beginning

Gun Control Is Just The Beginning

Gun Control Is Just The Beginning 

BY: Earl 'Big E' Jackson

A lot of you are going to read this and dismiss it as the paranoid musings of a gun nut. That is your right, but you know how the saying goes: just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you. So dismiss this idea at your own peril.

Now, I have said many times that gun control is only a step in the direction the left wants to go. Their goal is to completely disarm the American people. They want private gun ownership to be a relic of the past. If they thought they had a chance to repeal the second amendment, they would try. But why are they so focused on disarming us? 

That meme has a ring of truth to it. The good ones usually do. Don't get it twisted though, no one in their right mind is advocating for a civil war. I am not itching to engage violently with anyone. No one wants to be put in a position where the only viable response is violence. Not out in the street with criminals or with government operatives coming to confiscate your firearms. But one can't make the same claim about the anti-gun, anti-constitution lobby or the anti-liberty leftists in our government. They have said as much. Biden said we need F-15s to take on the government. Spy banger Eric Swalwell tweeted that taking on a tyrannical government means we could get nuked:

Swalwell's tweet notwithstanding, the narrative they want us to believe is that they want to reduce gun violence. Their preferred method to achieve this goal is to disarm law-abiding Americans. It seems to be working in places like Commiefornia and Chicago doesn't it? The gun laws in those two places are among the strictest in the country, but they didn't prevent two mass shootings in a matter of days in Commiefornia, and Chicago is awash in blood every weekend. Yet, they continue to make it more and more difficult for law-abiding citizens to exercise their right to protect themselves against the criminals who are committing these violent crimes.

It always baffles me when I think about the stunning lack of logic in their argument for taking guns away from citizens, but they say nothing about the criminals and mental patients who carry out the majority of these heinous crimes. They also claim that there aren't enough laws on the books, which I find ridiculous considering there are over 30,000 gun laws on the books between federal, state, county, and local jurisdictions. That seems like more than enough if those laws are enforced. Unfortunately, very often those laws are not enforced; especially in the wake of bail reform.

I've mentioned many times before why I think those laws are not enforced, but the point I want to make here is that it's not the criminals' guns they want. It's already illegal for them to have guns and they commit all manner of crimes while using them. That they don't enforce the laws already on the books suggests that guns in the hands of criminals are of no concern to them. They want you to believe that they want yours because there are too many guns on the street and the only way criminals get them is from straw purchases, people buying them legally and selling them on the street, or whatever other method of distribution they've concocted to justify taking guns away from law-abiding citizens. An anti-gun activist wrote a piece in Harper's Bazaar which lays out their objective quite clearly:

"California has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation; however, at the same time, California's gun laws are some of the loosest and most permissive in the Western industrialized world," Adam Winkler, a professor of constitutional law at UCLA Law School and a specialist in gun policy, explains. "So, it's often said when there's some kind of shooting like this, that California's gun laws don't work, but the truth of the matter is that we're not a state that restricts access to guns in any significant way. We restrict a couple kinds of guns and gun accessories, and require universal background checks and a 10-day waiting period, but those don't make it impossible or illegal for anyone to have a gun."

The whole piece is anti-gun, anti-constitution blather, but the last part of that paragraph really struck me. She claims that Commiefornia doesn't restrict access to guns in any significant way and that they only restrict a couple of guns. She clearly hasn't read any of their laws. The list of guns they "allow" people to buy in the golden state is much shorter than the ones they restrict. The law very clearly makes it illegal, and in some cases impossible for law-abiding citizens to have a gun. She didn't write this piece to persuade gun owners to give up their guns or see her side of the argument though. She wrote this piece to reinforce the narrative and propagandize to people who agree with her. One doesn't have to read it with a critical eye to see the incoherence of her assertion. But that doesn't matter because her point is that guns are bad and it should be impossible for anyone to have them.

A very common talking point among Second Amendment advocates is that guns are essential tools to protect yourself and your family against criminals and those who seek to do you harm; which is true because that is an immediate threat. But a more sinister threat looms. Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story wrote: "One of the ordinary modes, by which tyrants accomplish their purposes without resistance, is, by disarming the people, and making it an offence to keep arms…"

It is a threat that the founders and Joseph Story all saw coming. Ambitious men seeking power and transforming our republic into a tyrannical regime like the one they had just fought for our independence. When you look at all of the regimes that rose to power and committed atrocities against their people, one of the first things they all did was outlaw guns. Germany, Maoist China, Uganda, the Soviet Union, and others all took guns away from the people, then exterminated their political opponents.  Gavin Newsolini Newsom, Jay Inslee, JB Pritzker, Joe Biden and all the rest of the leftists in Washington are the tyrants of which Justice Story writes.

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